Vote for Gaye Johnston and Gary Heather
Gaye Johnston says:
“ Please consider giving me your support for one of two CLP places on Conference Arrangements Committee.
On CAC I would aim to be a guardian of Party democracy and fully accountable to Party members. Conference should be run in the interests of the Party as a whole and particularly of grass roots members. It should be a forum where Party leaders, and senior officers, give account of their work.
Resolutions (or contemporary issues) should be debated when they have been submitted by a significant number of CLPs/affiliated organisations. Hopefully Conference 2009 will decide to re-instate debating and voting on resolutions. Debates should reflect the level of support for policies across the whole Party.
My personal campaign is for a more equal society in Britain, an end to poverty and war involving the UK, and worldwide, and excellent public services that are publicly owned.
Ordinary delegates should have more opportunities to speak and vote freely- to express their own and their CLPs’ views. Childcare and access must be improved and impartial support offered to first time delegates.
An active member of the Labour Party all my adult life, former Labour Parliamentary candidate and councillor, I am Political Education Officer of my CLP and Branch Chair. I am Chair of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy and Vice- Chair of Save the Labour Party and a member of UNISON and the Co-Operative Party.
With Gary Heather I am standing with the support of the Centre Left Grass Roots Alliance. Thank you for your kind consideration.”
(Jean) Gaye Johnston
Hyndburn (Lancashire) CLP
20, Winterley Drive,
Lancashire BB5 6UE
01254- 388474
Labour Party Membership No: A.391964
Gary Heather says:
“I would very much appreciate your support for one of the two CLP places on the Conference Arrangements Committee.
As a longstanding member I have always taken a very keen interest in our party’s democracy and rulebook. I am chairperson of my CLP, and have experience as a council and parliamentary candidate. I am also a committed trade unionist and on the CWU NEC, and a member of the Cooperative Party and the Fabians.
I joined the party to campaign for a fairer society, social justice and equality. I want public services that deliver first class: housing, education, health care and transport for all our citizens, under public ownership and democratic control.
On the CAC I would seek to make annual conference more democratic and inclusive with more participation by delegates.
Our conference should be a place where delegates debate and vote on policies – not dominated by privileged platform speakers while delegates are left seated to cheer them on.
Conference should take the opportunity this year to reinstate resolutions and, longer term, decide to vote on and refer back policy documents section by section.
Party leaders and committees should be accountable at conference to the members that elect them. If elected I would uphold the rules of the party, and seek to ensure conference is an accessible forum for CLP delegates in terms of access, childcare, speaking and support for new delegates.
Along with Gaye Johnston, I am standing with the support of the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance and CLPD”.
Gary Heather Islington North Labour Party 59 Mayton Street London N7 6QP
020 7607 4739 * 07918 170 901
Labour Party Membership No: A006966