Vote for the centre-left candidates in the regions as below.
The Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance (which includes the Scottish Labour Womens Network and LRC Scotland) are backing Maria Fyfe, Ann Henderson, Jim Mackechnie and Gordon McKay.
The Welsh Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance is backing Nick Davies, Gail Giles, Annabelle Harle, and Darren Williams. For the youth place Rhian Greaves has been elected unopposed.
Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Russell Cartwright, Daniel Zeichner, Jenny Holland, and Lorna Trollope as well as Toby Brown for the youth seat.
East Midlands
Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Charmaine Morgan, Ian Morrison and Stephen Yemm.
Greater London
London Labour Left is calling for a vote for Cat Smith, Thomas Gardner, Nicky Gavron and Alon Or-bach, with Shani Gray for the youth seat. The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy and Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance are also backing Gary Heather.
Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance supporters in the region are backing Veronica Killen and David-Taylor-Goodby.
The Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance is backing Mohammed Azam, Paul France, Kathleen Fry and Lisa Hamilton as well as Rebecca Hodgson for the youth seat.
Campaign for Labour Party Democracy members in the region are backing Vicki Black, Ann Philips, David Stokes and Doug Naysmith as well as Gus Baker for the youth place.
West Midlands
Stephanie Peacock should be supported.
Yorkshire Centre-Left Grasroots Alliance are backing Lorraine Ferris, George McManus, Nikki Sharpe and Alex Sobel as well as Jack Falkingham for the youth place. For further information, download the Yorkshire flyer.
Local Government Section
The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy is calling for a vote for Cllr Angela Cornforth, Labour Councillor for 20 years, having served on Lewisham and Greenwich Councils and having been Deputy Leader in both. Angela is the Treasurer of her Unite Branch and Secretary of Greenwich Coop Party. On the NPF, Angela would press for local government to have a higher profile and for a coordinated strategy for fighting the government’s attacks.