Centre-Left supported candidates have put their names forward for important elections taking place this year within the party.Standing for the Conference Arrangements Committee, the body which decides the agenda of…
National Executive Committee, 15 February 2011
NEC members were joined by colleagues from the joint policy committee, the conference arrangements committee and the national constitutional committee for an informal discussion with Peter Hain on his party…
National Executive Committee, 25 January 2011
Harriet Harman opened by thanking the hundreds of volunteers and staff who helped Debbie Abrahams win Oldham East & Saddleworth in challenging political circumstances and awful weather. Efforts now turned…
A Living Breathing Party
CLPD has launched it vision for a democratic twenty-first century Labour Party. More information on the report can be found at http://www.leftfutures.org/2011/03/labour-left-launches-its-vision-of-a-new-party-structure-2/#more-3904 and A Living Breathing Party may be downloaded…
Report of Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) AGM 2011
CPLD held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 19 February at Conway Hall in central London. Given that the date clashed with Ken Livingstone’s Progressive London conference at Congress House…