Alongside Ann Black, Christine Shawcroft, Claudia Webbe, Darren Williams,and Peter Willsman, the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance is now supporting Rhea Wolfson for the NEC. Rhea is former President of Oxford…
Report of Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) AGM 2016
CLPD: Yes to a Labour Party for members CLPD held its Annual General Meeting, its 43rd, on Saturday 19 March at Conway Hall in central London. Around 80 CLPD members…
Peter Willsman’s report of NEC meeting 15th March 2016
The main item on the agenda, referred from the January NEC, was to review and amend the NEC governance. This includes the NEC’s Terms of Reference, Subcommittee Protocols, and the…
Submit rule change proposals from your CLP by 24 June
CLPD has circulated some suggested rule changes your CLP might wish to consider. Please download them here.
Peter Willsman’s letter to CLPs seeking NEC nominations
Election of Labour Party NEC Constituency Section 185a Iffley Road Oxford OX4 1EL Tel: 01865244459 Email: January 2016 Dear Secretary, NEC Constituency Section – Elections 2016 I am writing…
Peter Willsman’s report of NEC meeting 26th January 2016
The NEC was faced with a very heavy agenda for the meeting because not only was there the much-heralded arrival of Margaret Beckett’s Learning the Lessons taskforce report, but we…