Vote Seema Chandwani and Billy Hayes for Labour’s CAC
Labour Party members can vote to elect two representatives to Labour’s Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC).
The election is a One Member One Vote (OMOV) ballot, with ballot papers starting to be emailed out in the week commencing Monday 17 July.
The Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance is urging members to vote for Seema Chandwani and Billy Hayes.
Both will work to ensure that the Labour Party’s Annual Conference is democratic and helps build up Labour’s support.
A leaflet promoting a vote for the candidates can be found here (PDF) here (JPG).
Ballot timetable
Ballot distribution begins via email: Week commencing 17 July 2017
Ballot distribution begins via post: Monday 7th August 2017
Reissue requests open: Monday 21st August 2017
Close of ballot: 8 September 2017 midday
Leaflets supporting the nomination of Seema and Billy can also be downloaded.
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