Following the decision of this year’s Labour Annual Conference there is now an election for three CLP representatives to Labour’s National Executive Committee. CLPs can nominate up to three candidates and the deadline for CLP nominations is midnight Sunday 19 November 2017.
The Centre Left Grassroots Alliance, representing democratic socialist groups across the centre and left of the Labour Party, is promoting the following three candidates:
- Yasmine Dar – who is a member of Gorton CLP and a Manchester councillor.
(Membership Number: L1173052 ) - Rachel Garnham – who is secretary of Mid Bedfordshire CLP and a member of the National Policy Forum.
(Membership Number: A777413) - Jon Lansman – who is a member of Bermondsey and Old Southwark CLP and a long standing campaigner for progressive policies and democracy within Labour.
(Membership Number: A018501)
Please urge your CLP to nominate the above three candidates.
Ballot papers will be emailed to all Party members from Thursday 30th November 2017. Postal ballots will only be issued to Party members where the Party does not have an email address.
A leaflet supporting the 3 candidates can be downloaded here as PDF and here as JPG.