Message from Peter Willsman
CLPD members are encouraged, where possible, to prioritise the Brexit motion (the first motion in the attached document), to back up Jeremy Corbyn’s position.
Each CLP has been asked by Head Office to consider submitting a Contemporary Motion to this year’s Annual Conference (closing date 12 noon 13th September).
CLPD’s suggested motions are attached here.
Every CLP has the right to submit one Contemporary Motion, provided the CLP did not submit a rule change in 2018.
Contemporary Motions are one of the few opportunities that constituencies have to influence the Conference agenda and thus the Party’s policy making
Please do all you can to press a Contemporary Motion at your branch/GC/All Members Meeting/EC (in some CLPs the EC is empowered, given the short time period, to agree the Contemporary Motion for Conference). Good luck!
Please contact me if you need any further information.
Yours in comradeship
Peter Willsman (Secretary, CLPD)
NCC (Election at Conf – where possible ensure conf delegates are mandated)
Daniel Blaney, West Ham CLP, Membership Number: A885633
Supported by CLPD, Momentum, Labour Briefing Co-op, Labour Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (LCND), Jewish Voice for Labour and Labour Assembly Against Austerity (LAAA)
CLPD and CLGA Fringe Meetings at Annual Conference – Liverpool
• Saturday 22 Sept, 6:30pm. Welcome to Merseyside and CLPD’s Briefing for Delegates.
• Monday 24 Sep, 6:30pm. CLGA Round Table. Party members will question – and discuss with – those on national committees representing the grassroots.
• Tuesday 25 Sep, 6:30pm. CLPD’s Review of 2018 Conference.