This CLP believes:
– That Labour is the only party that can heal the harmful divisions in our communities and thus be able to move on and address the horrendous societal problems that face us, especially those caused by the almost ten years of austerity ruthlessly imposed on the disadvantaged by the Tory’s and Lib Dems.
– This means finding a way forward that the majority can live with, rather than increasing the harmful divisions, which were given full reign in the euro elections by the extremes of ‘No Deal Farage’ and ‘Bollocks to Brexit Cable’. That is the politics of bitterness and division – dividing all those who should be standing together against the destruction being wrought by austerity.
– It is the politics of, ‘divide and rule’; the politics of avoiding addressing the fundamental problems in society. Labour has always, and will always, reject such politics. We want the ‘many’ to come together and address the injustices and inequalities presided over by the ‘few’.
– Our Party leader has made our unifying approach abundantly clear, despite the desperate efforts of the hostile press and media to muddy the waters.
This CLP therefore calls:
– On the NEC and PLP to give full support to this positive and progressive approach and not be beguiled into the very negative and harmful approach of saying, ‘bollocks’ to half of the population and to millions of Labour voters.