The Grassroots Voice Campaign Tool is a useful resource that should be downloaded and widely circulated to party members. It is available here.
The full text is also below.
We are the Grassroots Voice Team. We are standing as a team to maximise the number of people who are elected to the NEC as socialists and grassroots activists who will uphold party democracy.
Nadia Jama
Yasmine Dar
Ann Henderson
Laura Pidcock
Mish Rahman
Gemma Bolton
Here is what we stand for and just some of the things we will work to change in the UK and our party.
• Reject austerity
• Will fight for a Covid Zero strategy aimed at eliminating the virus from the UK, as proposed by Independent Sage
• Are committed to working for full employment and mass job creation programmes
• Will promote a socialist green new deal as a vital part of the recovery of the planet and communities
• Will work for repeal of anti-trade union legislation and implementation of a comprehensive Industrial Relations Bill to shift power and wealth to workers
• Reject the hostile environment in favour of an ethical immigration system and the creation of safe passage to the UK for asylum seekers
• Oppose the far-right in all its forms, on the streets and online
• Commit to working with Black Lives Matter and other anti-racist organisations to confront systemic racism arising from Britain’s imperial past
• Are committed anti-war campaigners, who support an ethical foreign policy, supporting those in struggle for peace and justice across the globe
• Will campaign for an end to privatisation & fragmentation of the NHS and reject inclusion of the NHS in any US trade deals
• Oppose government attempts to scapegoat minorities, and stand against all forms of bigotry and discrimination, including misogyny, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, lslamophobia, antisemitism, afriphobia and all forms of racism
• Oppose the lifting of the Covid-related eviction ban and demand the permanent end to no-fault evictions for private renters. Housing for all is a fundamental human right
• Believe that education makes our economy stronger, our society richer and our people more fulfilled and we support proper funding of education from early years onwards and free lifelong learning for all
• Demand the publication of NEC minutes and decisions on the Labour Party website members area
• Encourage greater transparency from the party with regards to its polices and structures
• Press for a fair, robust and transparent internal disciplinary process, with natural justice at the core
• Push for improved communications and a support service for those who are the targets of incidents in the Labour Party and those who are accused
• Argue for enforcing the principle that Labour MP have one paid role: to represent their constituents, unless they are undertaking other public service work
• Defend and deepen the sovereignty of conference as the ultimate decision-making body of our party and support rule changes to promote CLP engagement
• Work to increase democracy and accountability at all levels, including in our regional and local government structures
• Push for greater recognition and support for CLP role holders, including much-needed investment in digital technologies
• Robustly defend the right of members to hold the leaders of our party to account in Labour Party meetings
• Robustly defend the right of members to hold elected representatives to account and engage in political discussion
• Work to replace the National Policy Forum with a genuinely bottom-up, empowering, inclusive policy-making process
• Argue for genuine, democratic self-organisation for equalities sections and support the establishment of self-organised BAME and disability sections as outlined in the Democracy Review
• Push for greater representation of BAME and disabled activists at all levels of the party, including elected representatives
• Fight for more of members’ subscription income to remain with Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs)
• Act as accountable representatives on the NEC, holding surgeries for party members
• Defend the right of members to select the candidates of their choice, including by open selection
• Push for much more political education in the Party
• Encourage CLPs to develop constituency party offices as useful and welcoming spaces for their communities
• Work in our local communities to support and organise for Labour values