Why today (7 February) CLPD is asking CLPs to nominate Cecile Wright and Lauren Townsend for Labour’s NEC
Due to two BAME members of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) being elected to Parliament in December 2019 there are two by-elections taking place for the two (CLP Section) seats that they have vacated. Local Labour Parties (CLPs) are deciding who to nominate for these seats till 14 February.
For the past two weeks the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) has been asking CLPs to consider nominating Mohammed Azam for one of the two vacant NEC seats. CLPD had only been publicly promoting one candidate as part of its efforts to secure agreement around a single centre left slate of two candidates in this election.
Yesterday evening CLPD was advised that there was a change of circumstance that meant Mohammed Azam can no longer stand in this election.
Also yesterday evening, regrettably, Momentum publicly announced a separate slate of two candidates, without a single BAME member included. This is not a position that CLPD is able endorse.
So from today CLPD is asking CLPs to consider nominating Cecile Wright and Lauren Townsend for the NEC. Both are excellent candidates.
7 February 2020