Peter Willsman’s Conference Guide 2012 can be downloaded here.
CLPD meetings at Labour Party Annual Conference 2012
CLPD Rally and Delgates’ BriefingSunday 30 September 10.30 amPurity Bar (formerly Bar 38) (Downstairs Bar) Peter Street (adjacent to the secure area) Entry £2 (conc 50p) Speakers:Chair: Audrey Gardner (Chair…
Submit rule change proposals from your CLP by 22 June
CLPD has circulated some suggested rule changes your CLP might wish to consider.Please download them here.
Refounding Labour: new attempt to stitch up constituency parties
By Jon Lansman So far, Refounding Labour has meant proposing to dilute the influence of party members by enfranchising non-members who become “registered supporters”, attacking union influence, seeking to prevent…
Contemporary motions 2011
Each CLP can submit a Contemporary Motion to this year’s Annual Conference (closing date 12 noon on Friday 16 September), provided the CLP did not submit a rule change in…
Conference Alert 2011
Annual Conference 2011 Delegates Alert! Briefing on key rule change proposals from CLPs coming up at Liverpool By Peter Willsman Secretary CLPD At Liverpool delegates will be debating and voting…
Submit rule change proposals from your CLP by 24 June
CLPD has circulated some suggested rule changes your CLP might wish to consider. Please see them below. Suggested rule change Four plus four should equal eight The Labour Party Rule…
Nominate the Centre-Left Candidates for Labour Party internal elections 2011
Centre-Left supported candidates have put their names forward for important elections taking place this year within the party.Standing for the Conference Arrangements Committee, the body which decides the agenda of…