Harriet Harman opened by thanking the hundreds of volunteers and staff who helped Debbie Abrahams win Oldham East & Saddleworth in challenging political circumstances and awful weather. Efforts now turned…
A Living Breathing Party
CLPD has launched it vision for a democratic twenty-first century Labour Party. More information on the report can be found at http://www.leftfutures.org/2011/03/labour-left-launches-its-vision-of-a-new-party-structure-2/#more-3904 and A Living Breathing Party may be downloaded…
Report of Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) AGM 2011
CPLD held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 19 February at Conway Hall in central London. Given that the date clashed with Ken Livingstone’s Progressive London conference at Congress House…
Arguments against AV put together by CLPD’s Secretary
• AV benefits the Lib Dems. It has been estimated by the British election study team at Essex University that under AV the number of Lib Dem MPs would rise…
National Executive Committee 29/30 November 2010
On the Monday NEC members joined the parliamentary Labour party for their weekly meeting, a first for most of us. Alan Johnson, after a widely praised Commons performance, drew attention…
National Policy Forum Gillingham 27 November 2010
The Forum gathered for its first meeting in nearly two years, and I went armed with hundreds of members’ comments on the general political landscape and on current issues. The…
National Executive Committee 21 September 2010
This was Harriet Harman’s last meeting as acting leader. She paid tribute to the new MPs and the veterans for taking the fight to the coalition, and thanked the NEC,…
Shenanigans at Conference
Every year angry CLP delegates complain to us about the way regional briefing meetings are being used to shepherd delegates in a pro-platform direction. On Sunday, at the South West…