Peter Willsman’s Conference Guide 2012 can be downloaded here.
CLPD meetings at Labour Party Annual Conference 2012
CLPD Rally and Delgates’ BriefingSunday 30 September 10.30 amPurity Bar (formerly Bar 38) (Downstairs Bar) Peter Street (adjacent to the secure area) Entry £2 (conc 50p) Speakers:Chair: Audrey Gardner (Chair…
Report of Labour’s July national executive
National Executive Committee, 17 July 2012, at 1 Brewers Green. This meeting was held a week early to avoid the Parliamentary recess. It was mostly divided between reporting back from…
CLPD- Fringe Meeting 2012 TUC Congress
Campaign for Labour Party Democracy - Fringe Meeting at 2012 TUC Congress ‘Why every trade unionist should be active in the Labour Party, the movement’s political wing’ 6pm Tuesday 11…
NEC and NPF election results
An assessment of the election results for the NEC can be read here and for the NPF here.
NEC and NPF election results
An assessment of the election results for the NEC can be read here and for the NPF here.
NEC and NPF election results
An assessment of the election results for the NEC can be read here and for the NPF here.
Vote for a Centre Left NEC 2012
Ballot papers for the Constituency Section of the NEC will be distributed around 25 May along with other ballot papers, including for the National Policy Forum. The deadline for voting…
Respond to the NFP policy statements
There is a flexible deadline for responding to the policy documents. To assist discussion, see CLPD's response here.